Prakash V Diwan
Anurag Group of institutions, India
Prakash V Diwan, male Pharmacologist, obtained his PhD from Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, India in 1980. He served as Assistant Professor in J N Medical College, India and later joined the research and development organization, Indian Institute of Chemical Technology (CSIR) in 1983-2007. He was nominated as the Founder Director, NIPER, Hyderabad in the year 2007. He was awarded with many national awards in the field of pharmacology. He is a Fellow of Royal Society of London (FRSC). To his credit, he has over 200 research publication in national and international journals with an H index 36.00. He has been honoured as a Fellow of Indian Pharmacological Society and Fellow of Andhra Pradesh Academy of Sciences and Fellow of Indian Pharmaceutical association. He has been a Member in Indian Pharmacopeia Commission, Scientific Consultant for various reputed pharmaceutical industries. His contributions are in the field of pharmacology, nanotechnology, clinical researches are laudable. Presently, he holds the responsible positions as Director and Research Scientist in Academia & Research and Development Institutions. He is also a Visiting Scientist at Dr Prabhakar Kore Basic Science Research Center, Belgaum, Karnataka. He has delivered guest lectures and keynote addresses in India and abroad on various challenging areas.
Abstract : Good laboratory Practices:A wake up call for pharmaceutical industries