Ravi Kumar Tummalacharla
Cleanrooms Containments, India
Ravi Kumar Tummalachalra is a Graduate Mechanical Engineer. Expert in Design& construction of Bio-Containment projects (BSL-3 Ag, BSL-3, BSL-2 facilities), Cleanrooms, HVAC systems. He has 16 yrs of experience on Cleanrooms, Biocontainment’s, Vivariums (Animal facilities), Eco toxicology labs, Microbiology, Virology, Bacteriology, Analytical, Instrumentation labs. In the past worked for Bharat Biotech, Biovet and Voltas ltd. Founder and CEO of Cleanrooms Containments since 2011. Presented few topics on Bio-Containments, Cleanrooms on various national and international seminars. Exclusively working on Cleanrooms and Bio-Containments. Going to present another talk at IVBWG at Geelong-Australia on Nov 3rd 2015. Member of ABSA (American Biological Safety Association), ASHRAE (American Society for Heating, Refrigeration& Air-Conditioning Engineers), Society for bio-Safety of India, CCSI (Contamination Control Society of India). Actively involved in organizing ASHRAE programs.