Boyd L Summers
BL Summers Consulting. LLC, USA
Boyd L Summers has completed his Bachelor of Science (BS), Business Administration at Weber State University, USA. His areas of emphasis are: Information Systems, Production and Operations Management, Quantitative Analysis and Methods, Human Resources, Economics, Business Management and Statistical Analysis and Computer Science. He is currently working as a Software Technology Consultant for located in Seattle, Washington. With 30 years of experience in Software Engineering and a leader of multiple software development teams, he continues to solve complex technical challenges to ensure that system and software engineering problems are addressed, resolved and compliant. He is the author of the two software technology books titled; “Software Engineering Reviews and Audits.†and “Effective Methods for Software and Systems Integration. He provides Software Articles to Software Engineering Journals and magazines. He was a Speaker at OMICS conferences and is a member of the American Society Quality (ASQ).
Abstract : Ensure quality assurance for companies and institutions